

The holiday season is an opportunity for criminals to engage in crime.  假日旅行, 购物, 和准备工作, more people are out and about and typically carry more money and valuables than during other times.  It’s important to be mindful of safety during these busy times and to take all precautions necessary to reduce the risks of becoming a victim.

可以采取预防措施来增加人身安全, 比如尽可能和别人一起散步, 注意你周围的环境, 在光线充足和人口稠密的地区旅行, 走路时不要发短信或打电话, 在街上把现金和贵重物品藏起来, refraining from using earbuds or headphones in both ears and trusting your instincts.  虽然总是很重要,强烈推荐, these precautions become even more critical when there are fewer people on campus, 比如在假期休息的时候.  校园安全 will continue to provide services such as a transport to assist individuals in making safe plans.  那些要去寒假的人应该锁好自己的房间, 办公室, and windows and either take computers and electronics with them or secure these devices in their rooms before leaving.

校园安全 has compiled holiday safety tips to assist students, 教师, and staff in safeguarding their property and keep themselves safe, whether traveling or remaining in the area throughout the break period.  请考虑以下降低风险的措施.


  • 在你离开之前,确保所有的门窗都锁上了.
  • Valuables and displays of holiday gifts should not be visible through the windows and doors.
  • 如果可能的话,把贵重物品随身携带或锁起来.
  • Give your home an occupied appearance by leaving the lights on or using an automatic timer to turn inside and outside lights on and off.
  • 请一个值得信赖的邻居照看你的房子或公寓, 每天把你的邮件/报纸带进来, and to park in your driveway or parking space from time to time.
  • Arrange to have snow shoveled (if necessary) while you are gone.


  • 当你要离开的时候,让朋友和家人知道, 你预计什么时候到达, 你在走哪条路啊, and if you plan on making stops along the way to include overnight stays.
  • 如果你的车坏了,留在车里,不要搭车. 如果有人停下来帮忙,让他们打电话给警察. 在信号范围允许的情况下使用手机.
  • 在无人看管的情况下,千万不要让你的车开着.
  • Fuel your vehicle during daylight hours and maintain at least ½ tank of gas.
  • Never leave valuables on the seat of your vehicle or in plain view, 因为这给小偷带来了诱惑.  If you must leave something in your vehicle, lock it in the trunk or put it out of sight.
  • 一定要锁好车,关上车窗, 即使你只离开几分钟.
  • 把车停在一个非常显眼、光线充足的地方. It may be daylight when you arrive at your location but dark when you come out.
  • 避免把车停在货车旁边, 装有露营车外壳的卡车, 或者带有色窗户的汽车,人们可以躲在那里.
  • Park as close as you can to your destination and take notice of where you parked. You don’t want to spend unnecessary time walking around the parking lot.
  • 返回车辆时, carry your keys in hand and be ready to unlock the door and enter as quickly as possible.
  • Avoid texting or talking on the phone while walking so that you can see where you’re going and who is around you.
  • 了解你周围的环境. Look around the parking lot and your vehicle for suspicious activity. If you notice suspicious behavior, inform security or the police immediately.
  • 拿稳你的包、背包和包裹. 不要把它们放下或放在车上打开车门.
  • Do not approach your car alone if there is suspicious activity, behavior, or circumstances.
  • When you enter your vehicle, lock the doors and start the engine immediately.
  • Use your key FOB's “panic” or “alarm” button if you feel fearful.


  • If you must use an ATM, choose one inside a bank, mall, or well-lighted location. 只提取你所需要的现金.
  • Stay alert and be aware of your surroundings when you use an ATM.
  • If you notice anything unusual, cancel your transaction, pocket your card, and leave immediately. 躲到安全的地方,然后报警.
  • When you arrive at the ATM, have everything ready (deposit slips, card). When you have completed your transaction, pocket your cash and card immediately.
  • 使用自动取款机时, 让车开着, 你的门锁上了, 除了驾驶座一侧的窗户外,所有的窗户都摇上了.
  • Protect your PIN by shielding the ATM keypad from anyone standing near you.
  • 不要把你的收据扔在自动取款机的位置.
  • 把你的ATM卡当成现金,小心保管. Never write your PIN on the card or give account numbers or card information over the phone unless you know exactly to whom you speak.


  • 保持警惕,注意你周围的一切. 花点时间观察一下谁在监视你. 罪犯经常把注意力不集中的人作为目标.
  • Don’t use shortcuts through alleys or walkways; stay in well-lit and well-traveled areas.
  • When possible, shop with friends or relatives - there is safety in numbers. 
  • 购物时,在人多的地方要小心. 扒手更喜欢拥挤的过道, 电梯, 公共交通站点, 尤其是在交通高峰期.
  • 如果你一定要带钱包或钱包, carry it close to your body with the clasp nearest you and be alert.  在拥挤的购物区,他们是犯罪分子的主要目标, 运输终端, 公交车站, 公共汽车, 以及其他快速交通工具.  Never leave your wallet or purse
unattended in a 购物 cart or on a counter.
  • Avoid carrying large amounts of cash – use a debit card, credit card, or check.
  • 现金应该放在前面的口袋里. 不显示大笔现金.
  • Make a list of all your credit/debit cards and their numbers, and keep it at home. 这将有助于你和警察,如果他们被偷了.  Notify the credit card issuer immediately if your credit card is lost, stolen, or misused.
  • 对停车场的可疑活动和行为保持警惕.
  • 避免让自己的包超载. It is important to have clear visibility and freedom of motion to avoid mishaps.
  • 小心陌生人以任何理由接近你. Criminals may try various methods of distracting you to take your money or belongings.
  • If you feel unsafe, ask mall or store security for an escort before leaving your 购物 location.

Buying or Selling Online Marketplaces (OfferUp, Craigslist or Facebook)

  • 不要分享电话号码等个人信息, 地址, 银行信息, or email; instead, use the marketplace’s messaging or email communications platform.
  • Check a seller’s or buyer’s ratings or comments to ensure they have not had any significant prior issues.
  • 如果买家或卖家看起来过于绝望, 太执着, 以及任何形式的攻击性, 不要进行购买或出售.
  • 永远不要邀请买家进入你的家.  坚持在某个地方见面.
  • 永远不要去卖家家.  坚持在某个地方见面.
  • 不要在僻静的地方见面买卖.  选择一个非常公共的地方,带个人一起去.
  • 就这个项目问很多问题是可以的, 请求更多图片, 然后继续研究他们的反应.
  • 如果一件事好得令人难以置信,那它很可能就不是真的. 
  • 相信你的直觉!


  • Be aware that criminals sometimes pose as couriers delivering gifts.
  • It is not uncommon for criminals to take advantage of the generosity of people during the holiday season by soliciting donations door-to-door for charitable causes, 虽然没有涉及慈善机构.
  • Ask for their identification and determine how the donated funds will be used. 如果您不满意,请不要捐赠.
  • 捐赠给公认的慈善组织.
  • Criminals sometimes work in teams – while one distracts you at the front door, 另一个人从后门进入你的住所进行盗窃.
报告问题 - 最后更新: 11/17/2023