About Us

Mission & Vision

The Center for Global Education & Field Study leverages Colorado College's unique Block Plan to create both belonging and opportunity for growth for our diverse Colorado College community through engagement with intercultural, international, and experiential learning.


  • Working in concert with faculty and external partners to curate a portfolio of block, summer and semester programs which align with Colorado College's tradition of liberal arts education and dedication to inclusive excellence.
  • 为我们多元化的学生群体提供咨询, select, and apply for off-campus opportunities which both challenge and advance their personal and academic goals.
  • Facilitating intercultural learning opportunities which engage our students and foster greater understanding through pre-departure orientations, re-entry activities, 国际学生在校园里共同编程.
  • 合作促进和支持计费流程, aid, 以及与校外学习相关的学分.


  • Evaluating and refining the pedagogical and logistical practices of both academic and co-curricular Field Study programming to lead to meaningful engagement and participation by all campus stakeholders.
  • 通过支持扩大接触和参与, coordinating and promoting the multiple off-campus and Baca Satellite Campus field experience opportunities made possible by the Block Plan.
  • Providing faculty development and training in the evolving pedagogies of experiential education

我们在国际学生中这样做 & Scholar Services Program by…

  • 支持国际学生的实践, social, 以及对赌博正规的十大网站的文化适应, in Colorado, and within the United States.
  • 为国际学生提供移民咨询和文件处理, exchange visitors, and faculty.
  • Maintaining legal compliance for the College and its international students and scholars through ongoing immigration reporting.
  • Building a more welcoming and inclusive campus by advocating for international students and scholars across the many distinct offices, 赌博正规的十大网站的部门和职能


  • Fostering a sense of belonging at Colorado College by emphasizing inclusivity and the removal of economic, social, 所有项目中的文化和经验障碍, 由我们办公室赞助或协调的机会和计划.
  • 与校园办公室合作, departments and stakeholders to facilitate through experiential learning a greater internationalization, 我们校园里的全球视野和反种族主义精神.
  • Broadening individual horizons for all students by creating opportunities for exchange and student mobility within and beyond Colorado College's campus.
  • 促进包容的卓越文化和最佳卫生做法, safety, risk management, 法律合规和学生支持.

Our Staff

The Center for Global Education & Field Study的主要电话号码是(719)389-6077, and our offices are located in the southwest corner of the 2nd floor of Armstrong Hall.



Allen Bertsche

Director of Global Education, Ph.D., Spanish
阿姆斯特朗大厅214,(719)227-8280, abertsche@4499ku.com

Allen can help you with:

  • 制定所有国际项目的政策和流程
  • 风险管理和国际卫生 & safety
  • 街区开发、规划与管理(学院)
  • Block Away advising & SUMMIT enrollment (Students)
  • 阻断经济援助流程
  • 国际计划的预算模型
  • 校外CC街区的出发前指导
Dr. Allen Bertsche came to Colorado College as the Director of Global Education after serving in a similar capacity at Augustana College (Rock Island, IL). 在全职进入全球教育领域之前,Dr. Bertsche在奥古斯塔纳西班牙语系当了14年教员, 专攻现代西班牙. There he served as the faculty leader and instructor on numerous study away programs in Spain and Latin America. 他来自纽约长岛. Bertsche received his B.A. from Indiana University, 在马德里的康普顿斯大学学习了一年, before receiving both his M.A. and Ph.D. 来自威斯康辛大学. 他曾在超过35个国家工作、生活或旅行. 不工作时,他有广泛的兴趣爱好, including global cuisine, film, theatre (as a spectator only), fantasy football, 还有许多“极客”的爱好,比如知识问答之夜, comic books and science fiction. He and his wife, Laurie, have two furry "children", a golden retriever and a Newfoundland.

Drew Cavin

Director of Field Study, Ph.D.、康乐、公园及旅游科学
阿姆斯特朗大厅215,(719)389 -7613, dcavin@4499ku.com

Drew can help you with:

  • Administration and risk management for domestic field trips and domestic block-away classes
  • 实地研究项目评估
  • Management of Baca Campus
  • 实地研究教学法的师资发展

Dr. Drew Cavin hails from Texas and holds a Ph.D. from Texas A&M University. 德鲁对学生的发展充满热情, both academic and personal, 实地考察主任的职位. 他的专业背景是休闲研究和户外教育, and he conducted research on diversity and outdoor recreation activities and careers. He has experience leading extensive field trips as a faculty member at Middle Tennessee State University and Young Harris College.

Heather Powell Browne

全球教育部副主任, M.A., Intercultural Relations
阿姆斯特朗大厅216,(719)389 -6918, hpb@4499ku.com

Heather can help you with:

  • 所有学期和一年的校外学习建议 & questions
  • 非cc暑期海外项目申请
  • 为出国学生做跨文化准备
  • 来CC之前,冬季开始出国留学

Heather Powell Browne is the Assistant Director of Global Education and has worked at Colorado College since July of 2008. 她原籍加州, and studied communication and art history as an undergraduate at Santa Clara University, 在佛罗伦萨的雪城大学学习一个学期. She has a Master's degree in Intercultural Relations from the University of the Pacific in conjunction with the Intercultural Communication Institute, and her capstone work focused on digital storytelling as a method of intercultural learning and reflection. 她介绍了如何增加第一代学生出国留学的机会, 支持寻访文物的留学生, and is interested in exploring how student-parents can access and participate in study abroad opportunities.

Marlene Arnold

国际学生和学者服务助理主任, M.A., International Education
阿姆斯特朗大厅217号,(719)389-6281, marnold@4499ku.com

Marlene can help you with:

  • 为持有F-1或J-1签证的学生提供移民建议
  • Support with cultural adjustment
  • The Global Scholars Program
  • 国际终身教职人员移民联络
  • Advisor for MOSAIC

Marlene Arnold 他是国际学生和学者服务部的助理主任吗. Marlene received her B.A. 维克森林大学的法语硕士.A. 国际培训学院国际教育专业. Marlene has been working in international student and scholar advising and programming since 2002. 她有在杜克大学等多所大学工作的经验, The Ohio State University, Franklin University, and the University of Denver. Marlene enjoys meeting international students and scholars from around the world and supporting them as they navigate the U.S. 移民制度和适应在美国的生活.S. Outside of work, Marlene likes spending time with her family and keeps busy with her son's activities.

Donna.BeziouDonna Beziou

国际学生和学者专家, M.A., Organizational Management
阿姆斯特朗大厅218,(719)227-8282, dbeziou@4499ku.com

Donna can help you with:

  • 为持有F-1或J-1签证的学生提供移民建议
  • Immigration advising for visiting international faculty (Year-long/Block/Occasional visitors)
  • 校园交流学生联络及文化项目协调员
  • 面向国际学生
  • Support with cultural adjustment

Donna Beziou is the International Student and Scholar Specialist advising J-1 Exchange Visitors and F-1 students and has worked at Colorado College since April of 2008. Donna received her B.A. in International Relations/Asian Studies from the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado.  Her international experience includes a year spent at Tunghai University in Taizhong, Taiwan as well as extensive travel throughout mainland China to study Mandarin Chinese.  After receiving her M.A. 菲尼克斯大学组织管理专业毕业, she knew that she wanted to continue her passion for working in International Education. Outside of work, Donna enjoys watching movies, having good coffee, practicing her Mandarin Chinese, 和她的丈夫(前J-1学者)以及三个孩子一起旅行.

Kellee FletcherKFletcher.jpg

Off-Campus Programs Coordinator, M.S.、国际教育管理
阿姆斯特朗大厅213B, (719)227-8284, kfletcher@4499ku.com

凯利与该中心的实地研究和海外教育团队一起工作.  She can assist with:    

  • 与校外项目相关的学生建议和支持
  • 校外街区的师资发展
  • 安排和登记实地考察
  • 有关阻止经济援助、注册和退学的问题

Kellee Fletcher 赌博正规的十大网站的校外项目协调员是谁. 她加入了全球教育中心 & Field Study team in December of 2021 after receiving a master’s degree from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey, California. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Russian and Interdisciplinary Studies from Beloit College in Beloit, Wisconsin. Originally from Loveland, Colorado, her international experience encompasses both academic and professional pursuits in Russia. She spent a year at Kuban State University in Krasnodar and worked as a Russian-English interpreter in social work, tourism, and the private industry. She brings a passion for cross-cultural engagement and is interested in fostering student development and growth. 除了每天练习冥想和祈祷, her hobbies include journaling, hiking, 通过旅行和读书来探索世界. 

Report an issue - Last updated: 06/30/2023